by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Probate, Florida Probate Laws, Personal Representative Attorney Fees, Probate Litigation
Here in our local Broward County, Florida, probate court proceedings got very crowded as the understandably upset mother and the very beautiful and upset wife of a missing millionaire came before local Probate Judge Mark A. Speiser to duke it out over what to do about... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Probate
Some people leave behind a safe-deposit box when they pass away. Often times, the surviving spouse wants to rush to open the box immediately upon death. Florida law differs from other states in that the safe-deposit box is not sealed upon death, as the state does not... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Probate, Probate Litigation
All is not lost in Florida when a Last Will and Testament has been lost or destroyed. There is a procedure where a copy of the Will can be admitted to probate by filing a petition to establish the lost or destroyed Will along with other requirements discussed below.... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Probate
The term “probate” refers to the court-supervised process for administering a deceased person’s estate. During the probate process, the decedent’s personal property and real estate are identified and gathered, his debts are paid and his leftover assets are distributed... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Probate
Lawrence Tolchinsky – Broward County Probate Lawyer As a Probate Lawyer, I am often asked by clients to explain the Florida probate process. Since I could never explain every element of a Florida Probate during one phone call or meeting, I decided to set-up a...