by Larry Tolchinsky | Challenging Florida Will, Undue Influence, Will Contests
After your mother or father passes away, it’s difficult enough to deal with your grief over their passing. Losing a parent is a life-altering event. For some, however, things get worse and the emotional burden becomes almost overwhelming when they learn about their... by Larry Tolchinsky | Challenging Florida Will, Probate Litigation, Will Contests
Usually, people hire lawyers to have their Last Will and Testament prepared and executed as a protection against errors in writing their Will and against anyone challenging their decisions about who should get what after they’ve passed. Parents know their kids:... by Larry Tolchinsky | Challenging Florida Will, Florida Probate, Probate Litigation, Testamentary Capacity, Undue Influence, Will Contests
When someone passes away, any property titled in their name immediately becomes part of their “estate.” An estate is a legal entity created under the law to help protect both real estate and personal property (things like jewelry, furniture, guns, etc.) as it is... by Larry Tolchinsky | Challenging Florida Will, Probate Litigation, Undue Influence, Will Contests
Today, Florida Statute 733.107 has been passed to override part of the Florida Supreme Court’s decision back in 1971, when the famous (at least in legal circles) case came down: In re Estate of Carpenter, 253 So.2d 697 (Fla. 1971). The Florida Legislature can pass... by Larry Tolchinsky | Challenging Florida Will, Florida Probate, Probate Litigation, Will Contests
In Florida, can you block someone from challenging your will with a No Contest clause? In Florida, as in all other states, there are laws on the books that establish how your property will be distributed should you die without a will, or if you die without a... by Larry Tolchinsky | Challenging Florida Will, Florida Probate, Probate Litigation, Sound Mind, Testamentary Capacity, Will Contests
Florida is a wonderful place to spend your retirement. It’s no surprise that so many people come here to spend their golden years, and here in the Miami and Broward County areas we see lots of seniors who are enjoying an active and full life here in the Sunshine...