by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Probate, Florida Probate Laws
Law Requires Filing Last Will and Testament with the Probate Clerk When a loved one passes away, having to file documents down at the local courthouse is not the top priority for those grieving their loss. Family members and friends must be notified of the deceased’s... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Probate, Probate Costs
When someone passes away owning assets in Florida, and those assets are solely owned by the decedent, then the decedent’s heirs, beneficiaries and creditors will have to deal with a Florida probate court in order to administrate those assets. Florida probate law... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Probate, Florida Probate Laws, Intestacy
Florida law is protective of property ownership rights in our State. Under the law, there is never a moment when any piece of property is not owned by someone or something. Maybe it’s a person, or an estate, or a trust or some other legal entity (Corporation, LLC,... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Probate, Florida Probate Laws, Summary Administration
Sometimes, probating someone’s estate can be complicated. It can take a long time and lots of money because of all of the rules and procedures that must be followed. Beneficiaries and creditors are usually eager to try and limit these issues — especially if no one is... by Larry Tolchinsky | Challenging Florida Will, Florida Probate, Unclaimed Property
If you are named as a beneficiary of a Florida Estate, then you are going to inherit the decedent’s property, right? The asset may be a big thing, like an oceanfront condo, or it might be small, like a cocktail ring or antique clock, but no matter what you are... by Larry Tolchinsky | Florida Probate, Florida Probate Laws, Intestacy
If a resident of Florida dies in our State without leaving a valid Last Will and Testament, then Florida’s probate law will decide how the decedent’s property is to be distributed to heirs. Florida’s intestacy statute controls in this scenario, which is...